Church Life at Groton Congregational
There are many ways to be involved with church life at Groton Congregational.
We are a diverse and active congregation working as a community to have a closer relationship with God and a satisfying relationship with the church.
Worship is an integral part of our life here at Groton Congregational. Our service is a meaningful experience that involves the singing of hymns, saying of prayers together and an opportunity to share our joys and concerns.
The scripture messages connect the readings to our lives in a relevant and memorable way. Special music from the choir, bell choir or other musicians is always an uplifting and a joyous sound unto the Lord.
We know that many people connect most closely with God through music. Groton Congregational has an active music program that involves our Sunday Worship Services, Concerts and Special Events.
Church Choir: Our Worship services have an active choir program that sings each Sunday and rehearses each Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m.
Bell Choir: We also have a bell choir that performs each month during services and also periodically at concerts in the area. They rehearse on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.
Special Music: We welcome the talents of all of the people in our congregation and encourage them to use of their musical gifts in service. We’ve had guitars, bass, trumpets, trombones, flutes and pianos. We’ve had duets, soloists and groups of all ages play during our services in the past few months alone! Whether you sing, play an instrument, or perform with a group, you would be welcome to join us here.
Children and Youth Programming
Our Nursery is bright and cheerful and available to parents who need a quiet place for their little ones to play or rest. The worship service is streamed via audio to the Nursery.
Our children begin their Sunday morning at GCC in the sanctuary where, during the service, a meaningful message is shared with them and the congregation.
Youth Group
Our youth group is geared for children in 8th through 12th grades. They are involved in mission trips and have great fun together. Our youth room includes a pool table, TV and fun bible games to keep our youth engaged and growing in faith. Our youth group director always has great plans for the kids to be interacting with each other and youth from other churches. They meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Our church takes abuse prevention very seriously. Click here to download a copy of our Abuse Prevention Policy.
Community Outreach
We are involved in our community! We aim to serve locally, regionally and globally as opportunities arise. From Grammies Jammies with Child and Family Agency to Adopt-A-Family with Groton Youth and Family Services and supporting the New London Homeless Hospitality Center, we are lending helping hearts and hands to benefit those around us. Our mission’s committee is involved in many wonderful projects and events. There is great enthusiasm and joy in giving back to our community.
Community Meals – Groton Congregational offers a weekly community meal each Saturday from noon to 1:00 p.m. The meals are prepared by a team of volunteers who offer warm meals as well as warm welcomes to all.
Emergency Assistance – Groton Congregational Church offers emergency assistance in certain situations that are not covered by other community services. In the past we have helped provide housing, food and other critical needs to people in crisis.
Community Meals
Our Community Meals program is a way for us to reach out and serve our community. We are striving to nourish mind, body and spirit with healthy food, companionship and love.
Please join us in Dutton Hall, at Groton Congregational Church, 162 Monument Street in Groton 06340, for a delicious and healthy meal, Saturday 12 noon to 1 PM. Free will offerings are gratefully accepted. Please check our church website home page for Community Meals cancellations and seasonal changes.
Interested in volunteering? Contact our Community Meals Coordinator by filling out the contact form below.
Thank you!
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