Please join us for worship at Groton Congregational
Ways to Worship with Us
Worship is an integral part of our life here at Groton Congregational. Our service is a meaningful experience that involves the singing of hymns, saying of prayers together and an opportunity to share our joys and concerns.
The scripture messages connect the readings to our lives in a relevant and memorable way. Special music from the choir, bell choir or other musicians is always an uplifting and a joyous sound unto the Lord.
There are several ways to connect with us in worship. Our Sunday in-person services are at 10:00 a.m. The Sunday service is live-streamed on Facebook and later uploaded to our YouTube Channel and website.
Music at Groton Congregational
We know that many people connect most closely with God through music. Knowing this, Groton Congregational has an active music program that involves our Sunday Worship Services, Concerts and Special Events.
Music in Our Worship Services
Church Choir: Our Worship services have an active choir program that sings each Sunday and rehearses each Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m.
Bell Choir: We also have a bell choir that performs each month during services and also periodically at concerts in the area. They rehearse on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.
Special Music: We welcome the talents of all of the people in our congregation and encourage them to use of their musical gifts in service. We’ve had guitars, bass, trumpets, trombones, flutes and pianos. We’ve had duets, soloists and groups of all ages play during our services in the past few months alone! Whether you sing, play an instrument, or perform with a group, you would be welcome to join us here.
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